Made locally on the Isles of Scilly

Each pilot gig model has been printed, cleaned and painted locally by us on the Isles of Scilly. We hope you enjoy our hard work!

Our models are the result of months of research, design and refinement. From the intial 3D model design, to the manufacturing technique, to finishing and painting, we made every effort to make an accurate and intricate display model of the classic Pilot Gig.

We used Blender to design the model, resin 3D printing to manufacture, and finally finished it all off with a hand painted finish.

Check out our other products!

We've created a range of other products featuring Rhianna's brilliant art and some other 3D printed bits and bobs.

Passion Projects

Alex also uses his skills in 3D design and electronics to create props and gadgets. If you're interested in those take a peek!